• Mylan A1 is a name commonly given to a form of alprazolam produced by Mylan Pharmaceuticals and is so called because the 1-mg tablet of the drug reads, "Mylan A1" on its surface. Despite its effectiveness in the treatment of panic and anxiety disorders, Mylan A1 poses a risk for side effects in some patients.

    Types of Side Effect

    Common side effects of Mylan A1 include drowsiness, memory impairment, fatigue, depression, dry mouth and loss of coordination.


    Approximately 18 percent of patients who take Mylan A1 discontinue its use due to the side effects of the drug, according to FDA clinical trials published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

    Drug Interactions

    Several drugs increase the likelihood of side effects of Mylan A1, such as the antibiotic erythromycin, anti-fungal medications ketoconazole and itraconazole and the antidepressants nefazodone and fluvoxamine.


    Some patients develop a chemical dependence upon Mylan A1 and experience withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation of the drug, warns the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Mylan A1 is also known to cause severe depression, which may lead to thoughts of self-harm or suicide attempts.


    Because the drug causes fetal harm, doctors rarely prescribe Mylan A1 for use in pregnant women. Patients with a history of depression, epilepsy, lung disease, glaucoma and kidney or liver disease may not find Mylan A1 safe, cautions the Mayo Clinic.


    Mayo Clinic: Alprazolam (Oral Route) Mylan A1

    U.S. National Library of Medicine DailyMed

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