• There are many hormones in our body that control the way it functions. One of these is human growth hormone, or HGH. Understanding the function of HGH can help you understand the benefits this hormone offers you.


    HGH is a naturally occurring hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus in the brain controls when the pituitary gland produces HGH, which moves through your body via the blood stream.


    HGH is naturally involved with stimulating growth in our bodies, especially during youth. It helps start the processes that lead to bone and tissue growth. They make our bones longer and denser and helps contribute to the growth of tissue and muscle.


    As we get older and our growth slows and stops, HGH shifts its role slightly and helps regulate metabolism. HGH helps the body conserve sugar energy and break down fats to give our body vital and essential energy.

    Anaerobic Exercise

    HGH can be naturally stimulated by anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is short and intense and doesn't require a great deal of oxygen to perform. Exercises include weight lifting, sprinting, jumping rope and hill climbing.


    There are many supplements that are advertised as boosting HGH. These are often used by body builders to build muscle mass. There is little medical evidence that these supplements are helpful.


    Understanding Growth Hormone

    The Doctors' Medical Library: Human Growth Hormone

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