• Sleep apnea snores follow a distinct pattern. The sufferer snores, stops breathing for short periods of time (apnea), gasps, and then starts breathing again. The cycle continues throughout the night unless you use technology to provide air pressure to keep your airways open.


    A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) system includes a small unit programmed to compress air in a certain pattern, a snug-fitting face or nasal mask, and tubing to connect the machine with the mask.


    Your CPAP machine will be programmed to provide the right amount of pressure to keep your airways open while allowing you to inhale and exhale comfortably.


    A CPAP machine helps you get a good night's sleep so you're more rested and productive during the day. It also improves memory and concentration, and can even reduce depression and anxiety secondary to sleep disorders.


    Medline Plus says it can take awhile to get used to the CPAP machine and mask, and that you may have less restful sleep for the first few nights on the machine.


    If you're having trouble getting used to your CPAP machine, work with the professional who dispensed it to ensure you have the right settings and the right mask.


    Medline Plus: Nasal CPAP

    More Information:

    Mayo Clinic: Slide Show: Which CPAP Masks are Best for You?

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