• Ignorance and stereotyping.
  • I have seen it with my own two eyes. Do I think that ALL poor people do that? No. But not all pet food is more expensive that human food. In Australia, you can get a can of cat food for 30 cents. A can of homebrand Baked Beans is around 60 cents.
  • Convenience. More homeless people live near drive-in markets, than big grocery stores, where they could make a better purchase. also, they must have a certain amount of guilt and their clothes are not the best in the world and a bath??? They still have some pride and a convenient store is about their limit with mixing with the public. its quick in and out. And, some stores will not allow the homeless to enter. it has something to do with hygiene.
  • because it sounds more far out....and thosewho make such claims often seek to disassociate themselves from that class of people and having those people eat dogfood does the trick.
  • Because people associate homeless folk as being dirty thus they presume they eat pet food because that is considered dirty.
  • I think we proved the point that little old ladies don't eat cat food because we didn't see lots of little old ladies die during the recent pet food poisioning calamity...if the hospitals were full of poisioned little old ladies then may be you have something...but this didn't happen.
  • probably wrong category, that is not the fodder of urban legends people do eat pet food.

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