• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Minor Differences

    Enviroharvest, a maker of generators and home heating systems, reports that there are few differences between Grade 2 diesel and home heating oil. Grade 2 road diesel has no red dye and it has specific requirements about ash or sulfur content; home heating oil does not have these same requirements.

    On the Other: Consultation is Necessary

    According to Enviroharvest, consumers who want to substitute Grade 2 diesel for home heating oil should always check with their home heating oil distributor before making the switch. Consumers can also check with the manufacturer of the heater to be sure the fuel composition will not harm the heater.

    Bottom Line

    Consumers can burn Grade 2 diesel in home heaters, but should first check with their home heating oil distributor or the maker of their heater before making the substitution.


    Enviroharvest: Diesel vs. Home Heating Oil

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