• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: LEDs: The Light of the Future?

    Osram is one of the leading companies that produces LED lamps. LED stands for light-emitting diode. Traditional incandescent lights produce light by heating a filament. Since they produce so much heat, they are inefficient in terms of the amount of energy they use to produce light. LEDs are much more efficient and therefore energy costs are very low. Osram produces LEDs for both home and automobile use.

    On the Other: There are Still Problems with LEDs

    In theory, LEDs are a great way to light. Osram's Volkswagen automotive division has made great headway using LEDs for headlights. However, Osram has encountered problems on the home lighting front. LEDs that are used in a conventional fixture are still very expensive to install. The savings in energy don't always compensate for the setup costs.

    Bottom Line

    LEDs are improving every day, but the macro technology still appears as though it will be better developed in the future. For keyring lights and individual book lamps, and even automotive headlights, LEDs are great. But for lighting a house, the setup cost and problems with coloring are still deterrents. If you like the cutting edge, LEDs are a great option for conserving energy, and Osram has a good reputation not only for the quality of its lamps, but also for customer support. The company website offers safety tips for LED products.


    LED Lights at Home:How LEDs work

    Building Design:osram


    More Information:

    Science Buddies:LED explanation

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