• Many adults of all ages are returning to school to finish their high school diplomas and go on to colleges and universities. The education they receive is not always equal to that of other high school student graduates.


    Adult and alternative school programs are not as well funded as regular day school programs. They do not receive the same quality texts, materials and highly trained and motivated instructors as does the day school program.

    Extracurricular Activities

    Adults who finish their high school diploma are not offered the same quality educational experiences of extracurricular activities, such as athletics and music, as their day school counterparts.

    Class Size

    Due to a lack of funding and teachers, the class size in night schools for adults is often larger than the class size of day schools. This allows for less time for individualized instruction, having questions adequately answered by the instructor, and opportunities to participate in class activities and experiments.

    Special Services

    A wide range of special services are often denied the adult student finishing their degree. For example, a counseling department for guidance and advice about coursework and career planning often is missing from these programs.


    Any student who believes they can get an equally valuable diploma by going to night school may be disappointed once they enter the job market.

    Source: Latin America and the Caribbean: Gender Illiteracy, Patterns of Inequalities in Adult Education Educational Inequalities Age Inequality in Educational Opportunity: the Needs of Adult Students in Higher Education

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