• Lightwave rejuvenation is a cutting-edge skin care procedure that uses phototherapy to reverse the appearance of damaged skin due to aging or scarring. It is used most commonly as a cosmetic procedure to effectively improve the aesthetics of aging skin.


    Lightwave rejuvenation uses a technology called phototherapy that applies light to certain areas of the skin to induce changes by stimulating the underlying tissue cells.


    Lightwave therapy has been used in the treatment of hair loss, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, scars and blemishes, flaccid skin and stretch marks, surgical scars, cellulite reduction and spider veins.

    Medical Considerations

    Lightwave rejuvenation including phototherapy has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be safe for application to the entire body.


    Lightwave uses the same light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, that televisions, computers and cell phones use making it possible in the future to receive treatments at home.


    Lightwave procedures and others like it have gained popularity due to their short time length, about 20 minutes, and because they cause no thermal damage, little or no discomfort and are minimally invasive.


    Scars Gone: Scar Treatment Center

    Jordan Health Clinic: Lightwave Skin Rejuvenation System

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