• ADHD is a neurological condition characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity and short attention span. Typically, ADHD symptoms are initially recognized in school-age children, but in some cases symptoms may begin to manifest during the toddler and preschool years. The use of medication in children under the age of 6 is somewhat controversial.


    According to ADDitude magazine, doctors typically avoid diagnosing children under the age of 5 with ADHD. However, in extreme cases, ADHD may be evident much earlier.


    Methylphenidates such as Ritalin and Concerta are most commonly used to treat ADHD in young children; however, these medications are only approved for children 6 and up. A new medication, ProCentra (dextroamphetamine), is approved to treat children as young as 3 years old.


    All ADHD medications carry essentially the same risks of heart-related problems and even sudden death; however, these conditions occur vary rarely and most often only when there is an underlying heart deformity or condition. Before prescribing any ADHD medication, a physician should conduct a physical exam and EKG on the heart to check for preexisting heart problems.


    According to a study sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, behavior therapy can effectively treat ADHD symptoms in many children. Of 300 children studied, 114 benefited from behavior therapy. If medication is deemed to be unsafe for your child either by yourself or the physician, behavior therapy may be an alternative.


    Young children may experience exaggerated side effects associated with ADHD medications. Side effects may include insomnia, decreased appetite, anxiety and slowed growth rates. Young children should be closely monitored while on ADHD medications.


    ADDitude Magazine: ADHD in Pre-school Children

    Procentra ADHD Liquid Medicine Procentra Side Effects

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