• Urea cream is the generic name for such skin medicine as Carmol 40 and Keralac. Urea cream works as a debriding agent to soften hard and scaly skin by breaking down dead skin cells.


    Urea cream is used to help in the healing of skin conditions that cause hardening of the skin (hyperkeratotic conditions). It is also used in the treatment of calluses, corns and other similar skin conditions.


    Urea cream may enter the blood stream in very small amounts, which means that there is only a small chance that it will interact with other medicine.


    Urea cream is only meant to be used externally. You should wash your hands before and after each application. Do not apply urea cream on open wounds or blisters.

    Side Effects

    The most common side effects of urea cream include irritation, itching and a burning sensation. Some severe side effects include allergic reactions, severe irritation and excessive burning.


    Pregnant and nursing women, people allergic to some foods and drugs, and people taking any other medication should consult their doctor before using urea cream.

    Source: Urea Cream

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