• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Hondas Are Great Mowers

    Honda lawnmowers are highly rated. They start easily, run quietly and provide superior cutting and mulching performance. They are engineered to last a long time and provide special features that other mowers don't have. If you like premium features when it comes to your lawn mower, you might want to consider a Honda.

    On the Other: Hondas Are Expensive

    Hondas can cause sticker shock. If you just want something that cuts your grass, you probably aren't looking to cover the premium price for a Honda. You can get a full-featured mower from a different manufacturer for half the price of a Honda or a basic unit for even less.

    Bottom Line

    If you have the money and are willing to pay more for a premium mower, a Honda might be the choice for you. If you just want your grass cut, then you should probably look elsewhere.

    Source: Review of Honda Lawn Mowers

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