• A write-off on a credit report, officially called a charge-off, is when a lender has given up hope that the consumer will repay a debt as agreed. This can seriously damage a person's credit.

    Time Frame

    A write-off reports on your credit profile for seven years, according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA.)


    Paying the debt will not remove the charge-off from your credit. However, it will update as paid, according to the Experian credit bureau.


    A R9 rating results from a debt write-off and is considered one of the most negative credit events possible, according to Equifax.


    Sometimes a debt write-off can lead to you being sued and/or having your wages garnished, which can further damage your credit standing and overall finances.

    Your Rights

    If a charge-off that did not happen appears on your credit report, you have the legal right under the FCRA to dispute it.


    FTC: Fair Credit Reporting Act

    Experian: Glossary of Credit Terms

    Equifax Canada: Consumer Information Centre

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