• Termites can cause major structural damage over time. Termite inspections performed by an experienced professional can detect an infestation before it destroys part of or your entire house.

    The Sooner the Better

    The sooner you know that you have termites the better. It could mean the difference between a few hundred dollars for the inspection and extermination or thousands of dollars in repairs up to the worth of your home.

    What Termites Do

    Termites eat wood. If you have a wood framed house, termites can destroy part or all of the structural integrity of home.

    What Inspectors Do

    Professional termite inspectors have the training, tools and experience to locate any termite damage and/or active termite nesting. If termites are found, they need to be destroyed.

    Structural Damage

    Inspectors can also alert you to any structural damage that might have occurred. Structural damage can make your house unsafe and unfit for occupancy.

    "I Have Structural Damage. Now What?"

    If you have structural damage to your home, you need to have it repaired by a professional. Contact a construction contractor for an estimate.


    Texas A&M University guide to selecting a Termite Control Service

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