• Bladder control is no laughing matter. Urinary leakage that occurs in women while laughing, sneezing, coughing or exercising is called stress incontinence. It is caused by weakened pelvic and sphincter muscles.

    What happens

    Urine exits the body through the urethra. If weakened pelvic muscles cannot support the bladder properly, it will push against the vagina. This pressure prevents the sphincter muscles from tightening as they should around the urethra, and urine can leak out.


    Reasons for muscle weakness include stretching from childbirth or obesity, injury to the urethral area, a chronic cough, surgery side effects, medication side effects and an estrogen drop after menopause.


    To pinpoint the problem, possible tests include a cystoscopy to inspect the inside of the bladder, an exercise test to see how much urine loss is occurring, a pelvic or abdominal ultrasound, a urinalaysis, a urinary stress test, and X-rays.

    Behaviorial treatment

    If you smoke, stop. Decrease fluid intake. Avoid spicy foods and caffeinated and/or carbonated beverages that can overstimulate and irritate the bladder. Lose weight. Regularly practice Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles.

    Other treatment

    You doctor will advise you as to whether certain medications may help. Surgery may be an option if behavior modification and exercises don't work.


    Stress incontinence

    urniary leakage

    bladder problems

    More Information:

    National Institutes of Health

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