• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Comfort and Support

    The dense memory foam used in mattresses molds itself to your body, offering complete support without pressure points. Spring mattresses offer uneven support at best, and can lead to sore spots and circulation problems.

    On the Other: Adjustment Problems

    The sensation of sleeping on memory foam takes some time to get used to, and the foam has a tendency to absorb and radiate body heat, which can be an uncomfortable sensation for some. Also, colder temperatures tend to stiffen memory foam, reducing the comfort level substantially.

    Bottom Line

    There are pros and cons to memory foam mattresses, and one person's perfect comfort zone might be too soft or too firm for someone else. Your best bet is to try out a memory foam mattress before you buy. Many manufacturers offer a trial period, or find a dealer before purchasing and test the sensation for yourself.


    Essentia: Memory Foam Mattress vs. Traditional Spring Mattress

    Memory Foam Mattress: Information, Comparison and Buying Tips

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