• Human growth hormone, or HGH, occurs naturally in the body, and in some cases supplementation may help to correct flagging hormone levels. Abuse of HGH supplements, however, can cause serious medical side effects.


    The pituitary gland produces HGH naturally to aid growth and maintain tissues, according to the Mayo Clinic. HGH levels tend to decline during middle age. Doctors may prescribe HGH to rebalance these levels and to fight muscle wasting from disease.

    Use and Misuse

    While HGH supplementation may help in treating certain medical conditions, athletes sometimes misuse the hormone as an athletic performance enhancer, according to the HGH Land website.

    Pain and Swelling

    Unnecessary use of HGH supplements can lead to muscle pain, joint pain or swelling in the extremities, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    The Mayo Clinic reports that some men who take HGH supplements may develop breast tissue, a condition known as gynecomastia.

    Other Issues

    In addition to the health problems caused by HGH supplements, the Mayo Clinic warns that HGH may play a role in heart disease or diabetes. The HGH Land website warns against HGH/steroid combinations, as these products can cause sexual side effects and organ damage.


    Mayo Clinic: Human growth hormone (HGH): Does it slow aging?

    Mayo Clinic: What are the risks of taking human growth hormone if you don't need it?

    HGH Land: The Dangers of HGH Supplements Containing Anabolic Steroids

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