• Metal roofs were once the standard option adorning the top of a home, and they have recently regained much of their popularity. Versatile and durable, metal roofs offers a complete package that offer roof types struggle to match.


    High quality metal roofs can last the lifetime of a home, and they are resistant to fire, rotting, mildew, and insects. They are very durable in the event of storms, and they rarely dent.


    Sun reflects off metal roofs, thus preventing it from reaching the inside of the home. This reduces the amount of energy used by the home, cuts down utility bills, and helps the environment.


    Metal roofs are installed in sections or sheets, and they can be installed much more quickly than other roof types that feature shingles.


    If not properly insulated, metal roofs can be loud during heavy rain or hail due to their hard composition.


    Metal roofs are much lighter than other roofing options, which is ideal for building a home or home addition, because less support is required.


    Home Tips

    Classic Metal Roofing Systems

    Metal Roofing Source

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