• While most mirrors are flat, any spherical reflective surface with a bulging side that faces out---toward an image or light source---is called a convex mirror.

    How it Works

    Being curved outward, convex mirrors use broader fields of view than flat reflective surfaces, allowing more surface area to be seen in their reflections.


    Convex mirrors can be used in any situation that requires a relatively large area to be seen at once.


    Many vehicles use convex reflective surfaces as side mirrors. This allows drivers to see multiple lanes of traffic. Security mirrors are typically convex as well, giving employees a view of several store aisles at the same time. Convex mirrors are also used on ATMs, allowing customers to see the area behind them.

    Scientific Curiosty

    A convex mirror's shape makes light rays diverge when reflected; when you light a convex mirror, the rays initially will be parallel but will diverge after hitting the mirror.

    Fun Fact

    Your average metal spoon has a concave mirror on the inside and a convex mirror on the outside.


    Universe Today: Convex Mirror

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