• The fentanyl patch, known as Duragesic or fentanyl transdermal system, consists of a patch that is placed on certain areas of your body to treat moderate to severe pain. The fentany patch is used as around-the-clock treatment for pain.


    The Duragesic patch delivers a steady supply of the opioid medication, fentanyl, into your body slowly through your skin to help relieve severe chronic pain.

    Time Frame

    Duragesic patches are designed to last for up to 72 hours. Every 72 hours, per your physician's instructions, a new patch should be applied.


    Every Duragesic patch is individually sealed within a protective pouch. Remove it only when you are ready to apply. Each Duragesic patch contains a protective liner, a drug-containing layer and a backing layer.


    Duragesic contains a high concentration of fentanyl, a potent Schedule II opioid. Duragesic has a high potential for abuse and should only be used as prescribed.


    Duragesic should only be prescribed if you have already received other opioid therapy, have demonstrated opioid tolerance and if you require a total daily dose at least equivalent to Duragesic 25 mcg/hr.


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