• Diagnosing dementia is something that requires many tests. The clock test for dementia was developed to be used along with other tests that measure the ability to function in different environments. Cognitive function may be determined using the results of this test along with other tests included in the Seven Minute Neurocognitive Screening Battery, which is given as a screening guide.

    Giving the Test

    A circle is drawn on a piece of paper and given to the patient. The patient is told to complete the face of a clock reading 10 minutes after 11:00.


    The clock test is scored by looking at the numbers and determining whether they are in order, each in the proper quarter of the clock, and where the hands point to. There are about 20 possible scoring categories and many ways of scoring this test when given along with the other tests to determine dementia.


    The clock test can help measure memory, time conception, spatial and visual ability, auditory comprehension, motor skills, number comprehension, concentration and frustration level, as well as other skills and abilities.


    If a person can draw a clock that is complete and normal, then the results suggest that he may be functional enough to be independent. A very abnormal clock may indicate that there are problems with dementia that could mean intervention is necessary. Few mistakes may be measured along with the results of the other tests.


    The clock test is used along with other tests, both physiological and physical, to determining whether dementia is present, how severe it is and what the cause may be.


    The Clock Drawing Test

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