• Three types of technology used in hearing aids: conventional analog, analog programmable and digital programmable.


    Analog hearing aids work by converting sound waves into electrical waves, while digital hearing aids use mathematical formulas to translate sound waves into digital signals that are easier for the user to interpret. Conventional analog aids are set to respond to a particular sound frequency, but both digital and analog programmable aids provide flexibility by allowing the user to select from multiple amplification levels.


    Digital aids analyze signals from the environment to determine if the sound is speech or noise. They also modify the sound to reduce distortion and produce more natural sounds than analog aids can.


    Programmable analog hearing aids can be programmed for various listening environments, but are not as flexible as digital models that are customized to transmit sound that precisely matches your diagnosed hearing impairment. (Se


    Digital hearing aids are smaller than analog aids, which can be important if you're concerned about people seeing your hearing aid.


    According to Hearing Aids 101, analog hearing aids run between $200 and $1,000 plus, while digital models can cost $800 to $2,000 or more.


    American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: Hearing Aids

    Hearing Aids 101: Digital Hearing Aids vs. Analog Hearing Aids

    More Information:

    National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

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