• Wigs were the height of fashion in the mid-1700s and the early to mid-1800s. This fashion began in France and soon found its way to England and on to the colonies. The most recognized wig of this period is the Periwig.


    Long, thick hair was extremely fashionable during colonial times. Since this look was hard to accomplish naturally, the men wore wigs.


    Big thick wigs, worn by the upper class, were a way to indicate the amount of money they had. These wigs helped to emphasize the divide between the upper class and the lower class.

    Professional Indicator

    Some men in various professions wore wigs. Judges, naval men and lawyers are just a few people who wore wigs to represent their profession.

    Address the Royal Court

    When a man wanted to make a presentation before the royal courts of France or England, they had to wear a Periwig so that they would be in the proper attire.

    Fashion Changes

    During the early to mid-1800s, wigs were very fashionable, but as the century progressed,especially near the turn of the century, most men gave up the practice of wearing wigs.

    Source: Colonial Williamsburg; A Colonial Gentlemen's Clothing

    Teacher Resources: Wigmaker

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