• Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that can negatively affect a person's life in a very serious way. The term indicates a chronic and severe case of feeling depressed.

    Sleep and Eating

    Most people undergo dramatic increases or decreases in their sleeping and eating patterns upon the onset of clinical depression.


    Many people with clinical depression experience frequent headaches, digestive problems and other types of physical pain.

    Loss of Interest

    One of the most common symptoms of clinical depression is a loss of interest in activities a person used to take pleasure in and neglecting or avoiding life responsibilities.


    A loss of the ability to adequately concentrate, remember things or make decisions is a common symptom of depression.


    Those with chronic depression often feel hopeless, guilty, helpless, or worthless, and might also feel like things will never get better.


    Uhs Berkeley

    Emedicine Health

    More Information:

    Stress Group

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