• The presence of excess facial hair dismays many people. With so many products on the market, it can be hard to make an appropriate choice. Are any of the hair removal products harmful for the face?


    Most men remove facial hair by shaving, but women typically dislike rough stubble appearing as the hair grows out. Other methods include pulling the hair out, chemical removal, electrolysis and laser hair removal.


    Pulling hair out using generally safe methods such as tweezing, threading, waxing and epilation can be painful and cause temporary redness and swelling. Some home waxing kits, however, use wax at temperatures unsafe for the face and may cause burns in sensitive areas.


    At-home chemical hair removal uses depilatory creams, lotions or roll-ons sold under names such as Nair and Veet. Users should look for products labeled safe for facial hair, as some hair-removal chemicals cause bleeding, redness and swelling of sensitive areas.


    Electrolysis and laser hair removal done in clinics by trained professionals are generally safe, although patients should verify a clinician's credentials before having these procedures done.

    Expert Insight

    According to MedicineNet, women who can afford electrolysis sessions prefer it, due to the lack of pain and minimized regrowth of hair. Other women use chemical treatments, wax or pluck facial hair, as these methods are quick and inexpensive.

    Source: Hair Removal Options Electrolysis Threading

    More Information: Chemical Hair Removal Epilators

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