• A lot of chiropractors have a bachelor's level degree or 90 credits in various majors but there are required core classes including biology, chemistry and physics. Some schools are requiring humanities, social sciences and psychology. A good site to check out is Also check out which is a great school! After that it is generally 8 semesters (4 yrs. average) depending upon the school to be awarded a Doctor of Chiropractic.
  • It currently costs over $125,000 and 6-8 years of schooling. Steps: Obtain a college degree with a concentration in science courses such as biology, chemistry and physics. Although only two years of college work have been required in the past, most of the applicants for a D.C. now complete a four-year degree. Understand that the D.C. degree requires four additional years of schooling, with the last year spent practicing under supervision. Plan on taking continuing education classes every year to maintain your license.

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