• Warrants in Texas originate from state, county and municipal courts as in other states. These warrants range from unpaid tickets and missed court dates to committing crimes. To find outstanding warrant information, utilize these four resources.

    The Police

    Check your local police department to see if they have an online warrant search database. If it does, then you will need the first and last name and date of birth of the person to complete the search. Not all police and sheriff departments place their warrant databases online.

    Courts Online

    Look for warrant information online with your local courthouse. All you need is the name and date of birth and this information is provided for free. Of course, this requires you to search individual courthouses, since each court only handles infractions that occurred in its jurisdiction. If there is more then one jurisdiction in your area, start with largest (usually the county) and work your way down the list.

    Database Searches

    Search multiple databases at a time. This type of search can check all the courts in your local area, as well as outside of Texas, in a matter of minutes. The fees range from $5.00 to as high as $50.00 as of December 2009, depending on the level of detail you want. The first step to getting this type of information is to locate a reliable website. Word of mouth is the best way to do this. Use a trustworthy service which someone you know can recommend.

    Attorneys and Private Investigators

    Hire an attorney to search for any outstanding warrants. This choice is for people who have some money to spend and are not computer-savvy. Attorneys and private investigators usually charge by the hour for their services. These services can be a last resort if you do not have the time to do it yourself.


    City of Austin, Texas: Public Information Office

    City of Arlington, Texas, Municipal Court: Example of warrant list (.pdf)

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