• If you have ever considered becoming a teacher, earning a bachelor's degree in education is a good place to start. There are several components to a bachelor's degree in education, as well as a variety of degree programs to choose from.

    Bachelor's Degree

    A bachelor's degree in education is a four-year degree from a college or university in the subject of education. Earning this degree means taking courses in child development and psychology as well as teaching methods and curriculum.

    Early Childhood

    One type of bachelor's degree in education would be a degree in early childhood education. This degree would prepare you to teach young children, from preschool through elementary school. Courses would be tailored to the development and teaching methods for young children.

    Middle Grades

    A bachelor's degree in middle childhood education would prepare you to teach the middle grades, usually from fifth through eighth grade. This degree is often combined with concentrations in one or two school subjects.

    Secondary Education

    To become a high school teacher, you must earn a degree in secondary education. This degree has to be earned in combination with a degree in your specialty subject area. For example, an English teacher would have a bachelor's degree in secondary English education (or an English degree with an education concentration).

    Teacher Preparation

    A bachelor's degree in education will also include some sort of student teaching or practical experience. This shows prospective teachers what it is like to teach in a classroom and gives them a chance to observe and shadow a professional teacher for a school term.

    Source: Bachelor Degree in Education

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