• According to the Consumer Guide to Bariatric Surgery, a Lap-Band surgery reduces the stomach capacity of obese patients. Primary recovery from the procedure usually takes about 6 weeks.

    The Procedure

    In a Lap-Band surgery, the surgeon fits the top portion of the stomach with an adjustable band connected to an external access port for later adjustment.


    Patients may feel sore in the area where the access port exits the body, according to the LAP-BAND website.

    Physical Activity

    The LAP-BAND website states that patients can resume normal activities within six weeks before beginning a doctor-recommended exercise plan.


    Patients must consume only liquids after surgery, according to the Consumer Guide to Bariatic Surgery, graduating to small amounts of soft foods and then solid foods in the following weeks.


    After about six weeks, the doctor will adjust the stomach band. Ongoing adjustments will continue over a total of 18 months.


    Lap-Band Surgery

    The First Few Weeks After Surgery

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