• Comprehensive car insurance covers vehicle damage excluded by your collision coverage. Although comprehensive coverage is not typically state-mandated, most auto-finance companies stipulate that you must carry this coverage for the duration of your loan.


    Comprehensive coverage provides "protection in the event of physical damage (other than collision) or theft of the insured car," according to Maine's Bureau of Insurance.


    Comprehensive car insurance covers damage from disasters such as fire, storms, theft, vandalism and collisions with animals. Generally, any damage not resulting from a collision with another vehicle or object falls under comprehensive coverage.

    Other Theft Coverage

    According to the ALFA Insurance website, transportation expenses resulting from the theft of a car may be covered under comprehensive insurance, as well as limited expenses for the loss of clothing and luggage.

    Rental Cars

    If you have comprehensive insurance on your car, you may have limited coverage when driving a vehicle you don't own, such as a rental car.


    Rates for comprehensive insurance vary. By increasing your deductible, you can lower your rate.


    Maine Bureau of Insurance: Glossary of Insurance Terms

    ALFA Insurance: Coverages

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