• A thromboembolism occurs when a stationary blood clot dislodges from a vein and floats to and then blocks another vein or artery. As a thromboembolism can result in illness, tissue damage, organ failure or death, understanding the causes of a thromboembolism is extremely important.

    Sedentary Lifestyle

    A sedentary lifestyle with low mobility or little to no exercise increases the formation of blood clots in veins, leading to a type of thromboembolism in the legs called deep venous thrombosis (DVT).


    During pregnancy and up to six months after childbirth, a woman can experience severe clotting in her body from a number of factors including hormones and low mobility.

    Other Conditions

    Many medical conditions and diseases exist that promote overproduction of red blood cells and hardening or coagulation of blood, forming clots. Patients with such conditions are at heightened risk for thromboembolisms.


    Smoking causes arteriosclerosis and increases tissue inflammation and blood clotting resulting in not only DVTs, but also another type of thromboembolism known as a pulmonary embolism (PE). It also causes cancer, a disease linked to higher than normal blood platelets, clotting and low mobility.

    Surgery or Injury

    Surgery or injury can result in blood clotting at the surgery or injury site and lack of mobility afterward during recuperation.


    Certain medications such as birth control and estrogen promote coagulation or clotting of blood.


    University of Maryland Medical Center

    MedlinePlus Medical Online Encyclopedia

    American Academy of Family Physicians

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