• A comprehensive car insurance claim is a request by a policyholder to receive money, according to the terms of the comprehensive insurance policy, for damages or loss regarding the vehicle that is covered by the policy.

    Types of Damage Covered

    Comprehensive car insurance covers damages or loss that occurs in some manner other than an automobile accident. This coverage includes damage caused by weather, floods, animals, fire and other non-collision damages.

    Theft or Burglary

    If the vehicle is stolen or is burglarized, the comprehensive car insurance policy should cover the damage or loss incurred.

    Claim Limits

    The comprehensive car insurance policy has a limit to the amount it pays. A policyholder cannot file a claim for higher than the amount the terms of the policy allow.


    Most comprehensive car insurance policies have a deductible. The deductible is the amount the policyholder has to pay out of his own pocket to pay for damage or loss.

    Filing a Comprehensive Car Insurance Claim

    A claim is filed when the policyholder contacts the insurance company that issued the policy and makes a formal application or request for the insurance company to pay for the loss or damage. The insurance company examines and investigates the claim and determines whether it is valid and payable under the terms of the policy.


    Insure U


    Insure U-National Association of Insurance Commissioners

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