• Knowing what the symbols mean when looking at stock and investment information can help you make more money on your investments. It can help you to plan what stocks to buy or sell and at what price.

    New York Stock Exchange Symbol

    BXA is the symbol for Merrill Lynch which is now a subsidiary of Bank of America.

    BxA on a Broker's Trading Screen

    These are the Bid and Ask prices for a particular stock.

    How the BxA Numbers are Listed

    Bid and Ask numbers are usually displayed in two columns on the trading screen. Bids are listed from highest to lowest and Asks are listed from lowest to highest.

    What the Listings Mean

    The BxA listings give you an idea of how many shares of a particular stock are at a particular price.

    Relevance of the Numbers

    The more active a stock is on trading floor the less useful the Bid and Ask numbers become since they will lag behind the trades.

    Source: What do BxA numbers mean? 8% CBOE S&P 500 BuyWrite Index SRN Merril Lynch & Co (BXA)

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