• Prospective nurses have a number of educational programs to choose from, including BSN or bachelors of nursing degree programs. For students, a bachelors of nursing degree program is the most rigorous training program that leads to a career as a registered nurse.

    Time Frame

    Bachelors of nursing degrees typically require four years of study to complete.


    Throughout the United States, a number of colleges and universities offer bachelors of nursing degrees.


    Bachelors of nursing programs typically begin with courses in anatomy, physiology, psychology, microbiology and chemistry as well as general education requirements in fields like English, social sciences and mathematics. During the final years of bachelors of nursing programs, students receive hands-on practice in the field by working in clinical settings as interns.


    For the 2009 to 2010 school year, the cost of tuition for one year at an in-state public averaged $7,020 and $26,273 at a private university, according to This translates to $28,080 and $105,092, respectively for an entire


    Graduate programs typically require bachelors of nursing degrees for admission to advanced training masters and PhD programs in nursing. In addition, employers often prefer nurses with bachelors degrees to fill nurse manager and other hospital administration positions, reports the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


    In December 2009, individuals with a bachelor of nursing degree averaged salaries of $50,386 to $71,071, reports


    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Registered Nurses 2009-10 College Prices Salary Survey for Degree: Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN)

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