• An undergraduate degree is a term for a classification of degree given to students who are classified as undergraduates. An undergraduate is a student who has completed less than the equivalent of four years of study at a college or university.

    Associate's Degrees

    One kind of undergraduate degree is known as an associate's degree. This kind of degree is generally earned in the equivalent of two years of study at a college or university.

    Bachelor's Degrees

    The other primary kind of undergraduate degree is known as a bachelor's degree. This kind of degree is generally awarded after the completion of the equivalent of four years of study at a college or university.


    Many people may only refer to a bachelor's degree as an undergraduate degree because it is the transition from undergraduate to graduate status.


    Having a kind of undergraduate degree known as a bachelor's degree entitles a student to progress into graduate programs at a university or college.


    Obtaining an undergraduate degree is an upgrade from a high school diploma that is generally a desirable option.


    Degree Directory

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