• Crack cocaine, a smokable, more portent form of cocaine created by "cooking," contains many other substances dangerous to the human body. These other components consist of a wide array of toxic and nontoxic chemicals.

    Free Base

    Initially, cocaine, cooked with water and baking soda by flame, creates a crystalline, rock-like substance smoked for a much more potent high.


    According to, dealers oftentimes use ammonia to make crack, a toxic substance used typically for cleaning.

    Household Items states that crack sometimes contains household items such as corn starch, talcum powder, sugar, chalk, laundry detergent, baby laxatives, meat tenderizers and rat poison.

    Other Drugs

    Crack may also contain other drugs, such as over-the-counter stimulants, prescription stimulants, caffeine and many other drugs less expensive than cocaine.


    Clearly, the best way to know what is in crack is to avoid it all together. Any number of substances may be present, and potentially fatal results may occur.

    Source: Crack Information

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