• Earthworm farms are used for an important "green" reason---composting. The fecal waste that earthworms emit after munching on the scraps in compost heaps makes for extremely fertile soil. Using earthworms to make a worm compost fertilizer has been touted as being a great way to fertilize soil and grow healthy, full plants, in both the garden and flower bed. The worms will reproduce, also, adding to your earthworm farm.

    Farming Earthworms

    First, you must provide an appropriate home for the worms. This can be done by constructing a wooden box to the size you choose, or by using a plastic cooler or bucket. Store the container out of range of possible rain, or make sure it has a tight lid. Rainwater can drown earthworms. Use a nice quality soil or a lawn-grade soil mixed with peat. The soil should be loose, not hard-packed, and not dry, but slightly moist. Fill the container two-thirds of the way with soil. Pick out food for your earthworm farm. This will include, but is not limited to, fruit peels, spoiled food, leaves, grass clippings or vegetables. Stir all of these compost elements into the soil until it is well mixed. A sturdy stick can do the job just fine. You can either purchase your worms or gather them in your garden or nearby soil. To gather on your own, simply pick a fertile piece of ground, insert a shovel, and pull up, gathering the worms as you see them. The faster way is to simply purchase some healthy worms from a bait shop. Simply dump the worms on the top of the compost. Check the container daily to make sure the soil has not become too dry or too damp. Add water as necessary. If it becomes too damp, place in a dry place to dry out the soil. The worms will breed regardless, as earthworms are hermaphrodites.


    Raising Earthworms

    Composting with Worms: EPA

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