• Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic flu medication. With no known side effects, drug interactions or contraindications for chronic illnesses, oscillococcinum is considered to be relatively safe and is very simple to use. Oscillococcinum is the best-selling homeopathic flu medication in the United States and is available in more than 50 countries.

    When to Take It

    According to, this all-natural remedy should be taken as soon as you start to feel the symptoms of the flu, including, fever, body aches, sore throat and congestion. Those who take oscillococcinum sooner typically recover faster than those who wait for the symptoms to get worse before taking it. As a homeopathic drug, oscillococcium helps to strengthen the body and promotes healing. Homeopathic remedies work according to the theory "like cures like." They are made from natural ingredients that are diluted. If these medications were given in large quantities, they would actually inflict the same symptoms that they are trying to cure. When given in small, pure doses, the medication instead promotes the body to heal itself of the problem that causes the symptoms. So if a more serious health condition were to arise, it would be detected without the oscillococcinum masking its symptoms.

    Who Should Use Oscillococcinum?

    Oscillococcinum is safe to use in children and adults who are age two and older. Parents should consult a doctor before using it for babies younger than two. claims that generally everyone can use oscillococcinum. Since this medication has no side affects, it will not cause drowsiness or impair drivers. Oscillococcinum can be used with other medications and vitamins and will not cause any adverse reactions. Those with serious conditions, including heart and liver problems, can take oscillococcinum safely.

    How to Use Oscillococcinum

    Oscillococcinum is dosed in individual tubes. Each package typically contains six doses. Dissolve the contents of one tube in the mouth every six hours, up to three times a day. recommends dissolving the medication under the tongue. Water is not needed. If the flu symptoms go on for more than three days or get worse, you should contact your doctor. Because of the generally appealing taste of this medication, children usually have no aversion to taking it.


    Oscillococcinum: Natural Flu Medicine


    Boiron USA: Oscillococcinum

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