• Criminal justice encompasses a wide variety of things that make up the criminal justice system as a whole. The branches work together to create a system designed to lower crime rates and rehabilitate people who have been found guilty of crimes.

    Police Enforcement

    The police-enforcement branch of the criminal justice system is responsible for investigating crimes, monitoring possible problem areas and apprehending criminals. This branch includes police, detectives and sheriffs.

    Court Systems

    The court system is responsible for the justice division of the criminal justice system. Courts are designed to hear cases, determine guilt and innocence and set time frames for jail sentences and restitution details.


    The corrections department of the criminal justice system is the division that helps to punish and rehabilitate criminals. Corrections facilities consist of jails, prisons and other rehabilitative centers that are geared around criminal punishment and rehabilitation.

    Innocent Until Proven Guilty

    The concept of a suspected criminal being innocent until proven guilty is a means to protect innocent defendants from being treated like and prosecuted as guilty until facts can prove their guilt. It does not mean, however, that they are off scot-free until proven otherwise, as in many cases the defendant will be detained without bail until a trial is completed. This concept discourages pointing fingers and making emotional decisions without supporting factual evidence.


    Probation is typically an alternative to jail time for someone guilty of committing a crime, which allows her to remain in the community while under a variety of restrictions based on the nature of the crime. Parole is the process of letting an inmate into the community after serving part or all of his sentence, in which he must follow specific guidelines or restrictions under supervision of a parole officer.


    U.S. Department of Justice

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