• An organic fertilizer high in phosphates and calcium, bone meal is used to bolster soil and improve gardens. Bone meal works best when growing root crops, beans, bulbs, roses and shrubs.


    Bone meal is made from ground animal bones. The bones are taken from the slaughterhouse and sterilized before use.


    The phosphates in bone meal ensure that the sugars produced in leaves travel down to the roots, promoting growth. Bone meal's high calcium content also holds cell walls together and prevents blossom end rot, weak stems and impaired growth.


    Bone meal has slow nutrient release. This means it will reduce nutrient deficiency in slow-growing plants while also avoiding any danger of overfeeding.


    Three ounces of bone meal should be used for every square yard of garden. Bone meal should be applied every one or two years.

    Time Frame

    Add bone meal from autumn to spring. Rake the bone meal into the soil a few months before planting. Finer bone meal delivers quicker results, while coarse bone meal lasts longer.


    Bone meal has an alkaline effect on soil. Don't use it near ericas, rhododendrons, azaleas and other plants that thrive in acidic environments.


    The Garden Helper

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