• When the spaces of the vertebrae in the neck become narrowed or closed off, the condition is called cervical spinal stenosis. Because nerves leave the spinal cord through these spaces to go to other parts of the body, spinal stenosis can compress the nerves, creating pain and other symptoms requiring treatment.


    You doctor might suggest medications, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), to reduce swelling and pain or analgesics to relieve pain.


    Depending on how much the nerves are affected, you doctor may tell you to rest or restrict certain activities.

    Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy can help calm pain and inflammation, improve mobility and strength and let you go about your daily activities with more ease and less pain. Treatments may include exercise and stretching, electrical stimulation, massage or cervical traction.

    Nerve Block

    If other conservative treatments do not work, your doctor may suggest an epidural steroid injection, also called a nerve block. The doctor injects a small amount of cortisone (a strong anti-inflammatory medicine) into the bony spinal canal. According to Steven R. Garfin, M.D., the injection may provide only temporary pain relief, and it's usually not a good idea to get more than three injections within six months because of possible side effects.

    Surgical Treatment

    If all else fails, your doctor may suggest surgery. Several surgical procedures are used to treat cervical spinal stenosis, all with the same goal of relieving pressure on the spinal cord by making the spinal canal larger. In a laminectomy, the back of the vertebrae is opened to give the spinal cord more room. A discectomy involves the removal of one or more discs. A corpectomy and strut graft removes the discs and vertebral bodies in the problem area and replaces them with a bone graft.


    Spinal Stenosis: Lumbar and Cervical

    Cervical Spinal Stenosis

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