• Breasts lose their fullness and begin to sag for various reasons. Weight loss, post-pregnancy, breastfeeding or just age and the effect of gravity can change the shape of breasts. A breast lift can raise them and restore firmness.


    A breast lift is a cosmetic surgery performed to raise the breast tissue and nipple to an enhanced, upright position. In some cases, droopy skin is removed to achieve the desired breast form.


    Anyone can have breasts lifted, but women are cautioned to wait until their breasts have fully developed and they do not plan on becoming pregnant or breastfeeding, because these circumstances can further change the shape of breasts.


    Breast lifts can be performed in conjunction with other breast surgeries. Implants can be added to increase fullness, or reductions can be done if there is too much breast tissue.


    Since a breast lift is considered a cosmetic procedure, most insurance policies do not cover the costs. Insurance might cover a medical-related reason, such as breast weight causing pain and back issues or the need for reconstruction after a mastectomy.


    As with any surgical operation, there is a risk of infection, an adverse reaction to the anesthesia or excess bleeding. Once healed, the breasts might not be symmetrical, and there is a chance of breast- and nipple-sensation loss.


    The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

    Breast Lifts at Mayo Clinic

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