• In the United States, the individual states determine the county courts' functions. States such as Missouri use the "county circuit court" for administration functions, while states such as New York and California endow all judicial functions to the county courts. County courts are called superior courts in some states.

    Civil Cases

    Some county courts handle civil cases and are commonly referred to as the "people's court." In some states, county courts handle only criminal cases and criminal trials, including felonies. State legislation determines each county court's function.

    Criminal Cases

    In courts with judicial powers, county courts generally handle all crimes occurring in the county. They will also handle any misdemeanor appeals from the lower courts and may handle lesser crimes than felonies. For these courts, civil cases involving less than $25,000 can also be handled in the county courts.

    Family Law

    Many county courts handle family law matters, including custody battles and divorce cases. Whether a separate court is designated for family law depends on the state.

    Lesser Offenses

    Some states have separate juvenile courts and traffic courts, while other states include these two divisions into their county court. Probate matters are also taken care in county court, if necessary.

    International County Courts

    In England, county courts oversee all civil and small-claims cases. All court proceedings begin in county court and, depending on each trial, may be transferred to the defendant's local court system.


    National Center for State Courts: California

    Citizens Advice: Legal System in England

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