• The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, commonly referred to as BFA, focuses on "intensive art and design studies," according to All Art Schools. Although specific programs differ in course offerings, colleges and universities offering the BFA typically follow similar guidelines in terms of the amount of visual art courses required to complete the program.


    The BFA is a degree designed to prepare students for careers in art-related fields. According to, classes may include "life drawing, sculpture, painting, art marketing and art business practices," among others.


    The BFA degree is customizable, depending on a student's career plans. Most universities offering this degree will work with the student to prepare him for work in a specific field of art. Some career possibilities include working as a "fine artist, craft artist or art director," according to


    The BFA generally helps students acquire and hone skills in specific fine arts. BFA programs may teach you "how to paint using a variety of media, draw from live models, create sculpture, pottery or other crafts, how to curate an art exhibit, or learn the standard business practices of the contemporary art world," according to


    Visual art classes are the mainstay of a BFA program. The majority of courses, usually two-thirds, required to complete a BFA program are visual art courses. However, BFA students usually focus one-third of their major coursework in liberal arts classes such as literature and history, which help inform the understanding and cultural significance of art.


    A BFA degree is not a terminal degree. You may continue your education and work toward a master of fine arts, or in some cases, a doctorate in fine arts. With the BFA, the current median earning potential, as of 2009, ranges from $23,000 to $64,000, depending on your location and expertise.


    All Art Schools: Fine Art Bachelor's Degrees

    Degree Directory: Fine Arts Bachelor Degree Program

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