• Organization is one of the most important skills a student can possess. Learning how to organize your school desk enables you to create an environment for success. Organizing a school desk isn't difficult, but it does take time and effort. Once you have an organized school desk, you will likely find that you save time by simply being able to effortlessly find your supplies and assignments.


    The best way to organize anything is to start clean. Keep a garbage can handy, then take everything out of your desk and place it on the floor nearby. While the desk is empty, wipe it down with a damp paper towel. Cleanliness and organization go hand in hand.


    Go through your pile on the floor. Throw away or take home anything that you don't need for school. Turn in any papers that you can. After you eliminate everything you don't need, separate what is left into three piles: papers, books and supplies. Within your pile of supplies, separate pencils, pens and art supplies from one another.


    Put everything back into the desk in an orderly manner. One way to organize your desk would be to place the books in the front of the desk, farthest away from you. Place the books sideways if that gives you more room to organize the other items in your school desk. Keep papers that need to be saved in folders. Use one folder for each subject. This will make your papers easier to find, and keep them neat and organized. Place your folders in one of the corners closest to you. Turn them sideways so they will fit better, depending on the size of your school desk. Place your supplies in the other close corner, where you will be able to reach them easily. Where things are positioned in the desk doesn't matter as much as making sure everything has a designated place.


    Now that your school desk is organized, keep it that way. The best thing you can do to keep your school desk organized is take a extra few seconds and put things where they belong when you're putting them away. If you have completed a paper, put it in its folder or turn it in. If you're done with a book, put it with the books. Additionally, take a few minutes every day and make sure everything in your desk is organized. If anything is out of place, fix it. It won't take much time to keep your school desk organized if you work on it every day.


    "Dude, Where's My Homework? Why You Need to Get Organized Now;" Cara Pitterman

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