• Uric acid is a waste product that the body produces when it is breaking down purine in food such as meat and organ meat. The condition may result in health concerns such as kidney disease, kidney stones, gout and high blood pressure.

    The Facts

    The uric acid that is created in your blood during the metabolism of purine is usually dissolved and passed through the kidneys and out of the body. When an excessive amount of uric acid is produced, more is left behind in the bloodstream. High uric acid in the blood can also result from an inability of the kidneys to excrete it.

    Purine-Rich Foods

    Foods that are rich in purine result in the creation of uric acid. These foods include meat, organ meats, anchovies, dried peas and dried beans. Wine and beer are also rich in purine.


    A four-hour fast precedes a uric acid blood test. The blood is drawn and the serum that is separated from the blood cells is tested for uric acid.


    Medications are prescribed to stop the production of uric acid and to eliminate them from the body. This treatment is given until uric acid levels are within normal ranges.


    Gouty arthritis is just one indication that uric acid levels are high. Uncontrolled uric acid may lead to serious kidney problems, and it is also an indicator for high blood pressure.


    Mayo Clinic: High Uric Acid Levels

    Medline Plus: Uric Acid

    HealthScout: Uric Acid Testing

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