• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Americans are Seriously Magnesium Deficient

    There isn't a single cell in the body that doesn't require magnesium. Yet, for various reasons most individuals do not receive enough of this important mineral through diet alone. The recommended daily intake is 400 mg, whether through food or supplements. The safety record of magnesium supplementation is good, according to, and serious overdose is rare.

    On the Other: Drawbacks to Excessive Magnesium

    Excessive amounts of magnesium in supplemental form can cause diarrhea and nausea. Many laxatives and antacids contain magnesium, so combining them daily with supplements can cause an overload to the system. Since magnesium is regulated and excreted by the kidneys, anyone with impaired kidney function should consult with his medical provider before beginning a magnesium regimen.

    Bottom Line

    Much of our food lacks sufficient magnesium, either due to mineral-depleted soil or over-processing, so supplementing this important nutrient is often the course of wisdom. Magnesium supplements are generally regarded as safe. However, as in most situations, balance is the byword.


    Transdermal Magnesium Therapy; Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D.; 2007

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