• Sinus pain can be debilitating, and finding relief is sometimes a matter of trial and error. If you've ruled out the possibility that your pain is caused by something other than your sinuses, there's a host of treatments available to you, from medication to meditation.

    About Sinus Pain

    Sinus pain is caused by inflammation. A sinus headache might start in the morning because inflamed sinuses collect and drain mucus during the night. Diagnosing sinus headaches can be challenging, since their symptoms are similar to migraines. Migraines are worsened by light or noise, and this distinction can help to distinguish between them and sinus headaches. Symptoms of a sinus headache include pain in one part of your head or face, tenderness, worsening pain with movement, pain beginning in the morning or after a sudden change in temperature and a headache that follows a bout of the flu or a bad cold. Symptoms of inflammation in the sinuses are postnasal drip that causes a sore throat, nasal congestion, green or yellow nasal discharge, fever, feeling generally unwell and fatigue.


    If a doctor determines that you have a bacterial sinus infection, your physician will treat it with antibiotics. Acute sinusitis requires a 10- to 14-day course of antibiotics, while a chronic infection might need three to four weeks of treatment. Nasal sprays containing corticosteroids will help to reduce nasal inflammation and symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing. If your pain is caused by allergies, antihistamines can provide relief. Over-the-counter remedies provide relief for short periods, while prescription medications can work for 24 hours per dose. Decongestants are often used along with antihistamines, but they're intended to be used for only three to four days, since overuse can cause more swelling in the nasal passages. If your pain doesn't respond to medication, you might need to undergo tests to determine its cause. Polyps, bone spurs and narrow nasal passages might require corrective surgery.

    Other Treatments

    Some simple changes can help to alleviate sinus inflammation that leads to pain. Using a humidifier, inhaling steam from a vaporizer or running a hot shower several times a day, using a saline nasal spray and getting immediate medical attention for allergy and asthma attacks may alleviate congestion. Holding a warm, moist compress over your eyes and nose may help soothe the pain of sinus pressure. Although the benefits of nutritional supplements haven't been proven in every study conducted, some studies show that using the enzyme Bromelain might reduce swelling and the flavonoid Quercitin may act as an antihistamine. Since these supplements can interact with medications, you should take them only under the direction of a health care professional. Likewise, some herbs have been found to be effective remedies for sinus pain. Eucalyptus oil has an antibacterial action that helps fight sinus infection, and Sinupret might strengthen your immune system and help your sinuses to drain. Herbs should be taken under medical supervision, since they might have side effects or interfere with other medications. Homeopaths use a variety of treatments for sinus pain, treating the patient holistically with regard to emotional and intellectual characteristics along with the physical. Acupuncture and chiropractic treatments have not been studied in regard to sinus pain relief, but those who practice these disciplines believe that their treatments can help. Biofeedback, meditation, relaxation therapy and yoga can be helpful, since they relax the muscles in the head and neck. Pregnancy can cause sinus pain flareups, but pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult their doctors before taking any medications, herbs or supplements.


    UM Medical Center: Sinus Headache

    Resource: Fact Sheet on Sinus Pain

    Web MD: Treating Nasal Congestion and Sinus Pressure

    Steady Health: Sinusitis- How to Relieve Sinus Inflammation?

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