• Massage therapy can be a lucrative and rewarding career. As more people become more aware of the benefits of massage, opportunities for massage therapists increase. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employment for licensed massage therapists is expected to grow faster than average, up 20 percent in the years spanning 2006 to 2016. The requirements to become a massage therapist vary by state, so you will have to check with the state you currently live in to be sure of the exact training and licensing you need to become a massage therapist.


    The training required to become a massage therapist changes a great deal, depending on which state you live in. Thirty-eight states have laws that regulate massage therapy, but there are more than 1,500 schools, college programs, and training programs dedicated to it. In general, massage therapists must complete a state-accredited training program before they can take their licensing tests, gain clients, and/or practice massage therapy. Be sure to enroll in a program in the same state you live and want to practice in, as there is no guarantee that one state will have reciprocity with or will recognize the massage therapy programs of another state.


    Most states require that massage therapists take and pass either a state or a national exam before issuing a license to practice. The tests usually cover different aspects of massage therapy, from anatomy and biology to business ethics to hands-on massage techniques. Licenses usually must be renewed on a regular basis, and some states require a certain number of continuing education credits before they will renew a massage therapist license.


    Some massage therapists want to specialize their practice, primarily working in sports and fitness, or dealing with a certain segment of the population, such as children or the elderly. Massage therapists can also choose to specialize by technique, such as Swedish massage. There are usually no special requirements needed by the state in order to specialize, but you may have to take additional classes or workshops in order to gain knowledge of and experience in your specialty.


    Massage therapists, even if they work in a spa or salon, generally have to purchase their own personal equipment. Massage tables are mandatory for therapists, and many also buy massage chairs to offer more services. You may also need to buy face cradle covers, creams, lotions, music CDs, table warmers, sheets, and table paper.

    Denial of License

    Many states have laws regarding who may be denied a massage therapist license, even if the person has completed a training program and passed the required exams. There may be a mandatory age requirement, so if you are younger than that, you may be denied a license. Also, most states have laws against granting a massage therapy license to anyone who has been convicted of sex crimes, specifically prostitution.


    Occupational Outlook: Massage Therapist

    Starting a Career in Massage Therapy: What You Need to Know

    Texas: Ineligibility for Registration

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