• It is safe to say most individuals have probably experienced the loss of some type of electronic device due to water damage, be it from spills, rain, or direct drops in the pool. A popular example of electronics which commonly need replacing when these water related accidents occur is the iPod. However, before going to the Apple store and wasting a couple hundred dollars, here's a way to try and revive the drowned device.

    iPod Revival 101

    The most important, vital, and necessary step to making a drowned iPod come back to life is letting it dry thoroughly before trying to turn it back on. Once the water damage has been done, if the iPod is allowed to dry properly it will work again (unless it went through a pounding in the washing machine). If the iPod is submerged while it is powered on, power it off immediately. To dry an iPod, place it face down on a towel in a dry place where it will not be disturbed for a few days. It should be face down to prevent damage from bright light. Try finding a space by a window where breeze blows in. Air drying the iPod is the best method to avoid possible further damage. This will take a long time due to the small holes through which the water inside has to evaporate. Leave it to dry for a few days; even a week may be necessary if a lot of water got into the electronics casing. Keep in mind that if the iPod is turned on while it is drying and there are still water droplets inside that haven't evaporated, doing so will probably cause the the iPod to cease working permanently.

    Other Drying Methods

    While letting the device air dry is the best choice, there are other speedier ways to dry the drowned iPod. Try using a low heat setting on a hair dryer and blow dry the device carefully while trying to avoid getting it too hot. The screen and other components inside the iPod might be damaged if it is exposed to extreme heat. Another option is placing it face down in a place where it gets direct sunlight. The heat caused by the sun exposure will speed up the water evaporation process inside the iPod. But make sure the spot doesn't get too hot to avoid further damage.


    Remember that keeping the iPod powered off during the drying process is the most important step for its possible revival. Do not under any circumstances try and power on the device without being sure it is fully dry. This point cannot be stressed enough; compliance is mandatory for the iPod to work. Never put the iPod into the oven, food dehydrator, or any other appliance to "dry quicker." Doing so will irreparably harm the iPod's electronics.


    iPod Water Damage Fixes

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