• The hamstring is a group of three muscles on the back of the upper leg. These muscles extend from the base of the buttocks to the back of the knee. The hamstring muscles are responsible for flexing the knee and extending the hip. Unfortunately, the hamstring muscles can be easily sprained or torn. These hamstring injuries are often caused be either overuse or the muscle being stretched without a proper warm-up. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to prevent hamstring injuries from occurring.

    Before Activity

    Stretching is vital to prevent hamstring injuries. The easiest hamstring stretch involves sitting down on a flat surface and extending the right leg. Bend your left leg at the knee and tuck it into your right leg; your left foot should be resting next to the inside of your right leg. Lean forward gently and touch your right foot with your fingers. If you cannot reach your foot, simply stretch forward as far as possible. Keep your right foot pointing straight up. Hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds, and then repeat with the left leg. Next, lie back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your right leg and extend your right foot to the ceiling. Straighten your leg as much as possible. Hold onto your calf muscle and gently pull your right leg towards your head. You should feel a stretch along the hamstrings of your right leg. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg. For best results, stretch your hamstrings before and after any activity to prevent the muscles from becoming weak or tight.

    During Activity

    Once you have stretched the hamstring muscle, you can begin your physical activity. To prevent hamstring injuries during activity, it is important to be conscious of the workload placed on your hamstrings. It is best to start slow and gradually work your way up to an intense level of activity. For example, if you will be going for a run, begin by walking or light jogging for a few minutes. Additionally, recommends increasing your mileage and workout intensity by no more than 10 percent per week. It is also important to stay hydrated throughout your activity. Dehydration can cause the muscles to cramp, which significantly increases the risk of injury.

    Weeky Activities

    Flexibility and strength training are also important techniques for preventing hamstring injuries. Be sure to incorporate hamstring exercises into your daily or weekly exercise routine. Maintaining adequate strength in the hamstring muscles significantly decreases the risk of injury. Keeping your hamstring muscles flexible is also extremely important. Although stretching will provide some flexibility, yoga will have a significant impact. Try to do yoga at least once per week to improve the flexibility of your entire body.


    MedicineNet: Hamstring Injuries

    Sports Injury Clinic: Pulled Hamstring/Hamstring Strain How to Avoid Hamstring Injuries


    Rational Running: Hamstring Strain or Tear

    Weight Loss for All: Hamstring Stretch

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